Young Alcoholic Blog
7 Easy Tips for Sober Travel
Have you finally been enjoying a spell of sobriety and are feeling that you’d like to take a trip? This can be a challenging venture,
Sobriety and The First Date
A first date can be a nerve wracking experience, especially for recovering alcoholics. But opening up to a new romance about alcoholism shouldn’t keep you from being yourself!
6 Healthy Activities For Early Sobriety
It’s not always easy filling your time in early sobriety. Here are six healthy activities I feel can help fill the day during your recovery.
Opening Up About Addiction and Recovery
Opening up to other people about recovery isn’t easy, and can be discouraging when we don’t get the reaction we are hoping for.
Am I A Young Alcoholic?
Am I a young alcoholic? This question is not easily answered, but here are six questions that helped me realize that I was.
5 Simple Reasons to Help Say No to a Drink
Socializing while new to sobriety can present unique challenges, including being offered alcohol. Here are 5 reasons you can share with someone as to why you’re not drinking.